
template<class T>
class chase::mpi::ChaseMpiProperties

A class to setup MPI properties and matrix distribution scheme for the implementation of ChASE on distributed-memory systems.

The ChaseMpiProperties class creates a 2D grid of MPI nodes with fixed width and height. It defines also the scheme to distribute an Hermitian matrix A of side N over this 2D grid of MPI nodes. Currently, two data distribution fashion are supported in ChASE.

  • Block distribution scheme in which one submatrix of A is assigned to one single MPI node;

  • Block-Cyclic distribution scheme, which distributes a series of submatrices of A to the MPI nodes in a round-robin manner so that each MPI rank gets several non-adjacent blocks. More details about this distribution can be found on Netlib.

    Template Parameters
    • T: the scalar type used for the application. ChASE is templated for real and complex scalars with both Single Precision and Double Precision, thus T can be one of float, double, std::complex<float> and std::complex<double>.

Public Functions

ChaseMpiProperties(std::size_t N, std::size_t mb, std::size_t nb, std::size_t nev, std::size_t nex, int row_dim, int col_dim, char *grid_major, int irsrc, int icsrc, MPI_Comm comm)

A constructor of the class ChaseMpiProperties which distributes matrix A in Block-Cyclic Distribution.

It constructs a 2D grid of MPI ranks within the MPI communicator comm_.

  • The dimension of this 2D grid is determined by explicit values row_dim and col_dim, thus row_dim * col_dim.

  • The major to index the coordinations of the MPI ranks is determined by the value of grid_major: if grid_major="C", they are indexed by column major, if grid_major="R", they are indexed by Row major.

  • It distributes the Hermitian matrix A in a Block-Dsitribution scheme.

This constructor requires the explicit values for the initalization of the size N of the matrix A, the number of sought after extremal eigenvalues nev, and the number of extra eigenvalue nex which defines, together with nev, the search space, and the working MPI communicator comm_ for the construction of eigenproblem. For the distribution in block-cyclic scheme, it requires also the dimensions of 2D grid row_dim and col_dim, the row and column blocking factors mb and nb, the major of grid indexing grid_major, and the process row/column over which the first row/column of the global matrix A is distributed.

The parameters related to Block-Cyclic Distribution conforms equally with the Array Descriptor of in-core Dense Matrices in ScaLAPACK.

All the private members are either initialized directly by these parameters, or setup within the construction of this constructor.

  • N: Size of the square matrix defining the eigenproblem.

  • mb: Row blocking factor for Block-Cyclic Distribution.

  • nb: Column blocking factor for Block-Cyclic Distribution`.

  • nev: Number of desired extremal eigenvalues.

  • nex: Number of eigenvalues augmenting the search space. Usually a relatively small fraction of nev.

  • row_dim: number of row in the 2D grid of MPI nodes to be constructed.

  • col_dim: number of column in the 2D grid of MPI nodes to be constructed.

  • grid_major: the type of numbering of the MPI ranks within the constructed 2D grid.

    • Row major numbering if grid_major=="C".

    • Column major numbering if grid_major=="R".

  • irsrc: Process row over which the first row of the global matrix A is distributed.

  • icsrc: Process column over which the first column of the global matrix A is distributed.

  • comm: the working MPI communicator for ChASE.

ChaseMpiProperties(std::size_t N, std::size_t nev, std::size_t nex, std::size_t m, std::size_t n, int npr, int npc, char *grid_major, MPI_Comm comm)

A constructor of the class ChaseMpiProperties which distributes matrix A in Block Distribution.

It constructs a 2D grid of MPI ranks within the MPI communicator comm_.

  • The dimensions of this 2D grid is determined by the input arguments npr and npc. The 2D grid is npr x npc

  • It distributes the Hermitian matrix A in a Block-Dsitribution scheme.

This constructor requires the explicit values for the initalization of the size N of the matrix A, the number of sought after extremal eigenvalues nev, and the number of extra eigenvalue nex which defines, together with nev, the search space, the dimension of local matrix m and n, the 2D MPI grid npr and npc, and the working MPI communicator comm_.

All the private members are either initialized directly by these parameters, or setup within the construction of this constructor.

  • N: Size of the square matrix defining the eigenproblem.

  • nev: Number of desired extremal eigenvalues.

  • nex: Number of eigenvalues augmenting the search space. Usually a relatively small fraction of nev.

  • m: row number of local matrix on each MPI rank

  • n: column number of local matrix on each MPI rank

  • npr: row number of 2D MPI grid

  • npc: column number of 2D MPI grid

  • grid_major: the type of numbering of the MPI ranks within the constructed 2D grid.

    • Row major numbering if grid_major=="C".

    • Column major numbering if grid_major=="R".

  • comm: the working MPI communicator for ChASE.

ChaseMpiProperties(std::size_t N, std::size_t nev, std::size_t nex, MPI_Comm comm)

A constructor of the class ChaseMpiProperties which distributes matrix A in Block Distribution.

It constructs a 2D grid of MPI ranks within the MPI communicator comm_.

  • The dimensions of this 2D grid is determined by MPI_Cart_create using all the available MPI nodes within comm_.

  • It distributes the Hermitian matrix A in a Block-Dsitribution scheme.

This constructor requires the explicit values for the initalization of the size N of the matrix A, the number of sought after extremal eigenvalues nev, and the number of extra eigenvalue nex which defines, together with nev, the search space, and the working MPI communicator comm_.

All the private members are either initialized directly by these parameters, or setup within the construction of this constructor.

  • N: Size of the square matrix defining the eigenproblem.

  • nev: Number of desired extremal eigenvalues.

  • nex: Number of eigenvalues augmenting the search space. Usually a relatively small fraction of nev.

  • comm: the working MPI communicator for ChASE.

std::size_t get_N()

Returns the rank of matrix A which is distributed within 2D MPI grid.


N_: the rank of matrix A.

std::size_t get_ldh()

Return leading dimension of local part of Symmetric/Hermtian matrix on each MPI proc.


ldh_, a private member of this class.

std::size_t get_n()

Returns column number of the local matrix on each MPI node.


n_: the column number of the local matrix on each MPI node.

std::size_t get_m()

Returns row number of the local matrix.


m_: Row number of the local matrix on each MPI node.

std::size_t get_max_block()

Returns the maximum column number of rectangular matrix V.


max_block_: Maximum column number of matrix V.

std::size_t GetNev()

Returns number of desired extremal eigenpairs, which was set by users.


nev_: Number of desired extremal eigenpairs.

std::size_t GetNex()

Returns the Increment of the search subspace so that its total size, which was set by users within chase::ChaseConfig.


nex_: Increment of the search subspace.

std::size_t get_nb()

Returns the column blocking factor, this function is useful for ChASE with Block-Cyclic Distribution.


nb_: Column blocking factor.

std::size_t get_mb()

Returns the row blocking factor, this function is useful for ChASE with Block-Cyclic Distribution.


mb_: Row blocking factor.

MPI_Comm get_row_comm()


row_comm_: the row communicator within 2D MPI grid.

MPI_Comm get_col_comm()


col_comm_: the column communicator within 2D MPI grid.

int *get_dims()

Returns the dimension of cartesian communicator grid.


dims_: an array of size 2 which store the dimensions of the constructed 2D MPI grid.

std::size_t *get_off()

This member function is mostly used for ChASE with Block-Distribution.

Returns offset of row and column of the local matrix on each MPI node regarding the index of row and column of global matrix A.

For example, for a global matrix A, A_sub is a submatrix of A of size m * n, which is extracted out of A starting from the row indexing i and column indexing j. This member function returns i and j as an array of size 2 for the submatrix on each MPI rank.


off_: an array of size 2 which stores the offset of row and column of the local matrix on each MPI node regarding the index of row and column of global matrix A.

void get_off(std::size_t *xoff, std::size_t *yoff, std::size_t *xlen, std::size_t *ylen)

This member function is mostly used for ChASE with Block-Distribution.

Return the offset and length along the two dimensions of the local matrix on each MPI node regarding the global index of matrix A.

For example, for a global matrix A, A_sub is a submatrix of A of size m * n, which is extracted out of A starting from the row indexing i and column indexing j. This member function outputs xoff=i, yoff=j, xlen=m, and ylen=n for the submatrix on each MPI rank.

  • [in/out]: xoff -> the offset of row of the local matrix on each MPI node regarding the row index of matrix A.

  • [in/out]: yoff -> the offset of column of the local matrix on each MPI node regarding the column index of matrix A.

  • [in/out]: xlen -> the number of row of the local matrix on each MPI node.

  • [in/out]: ylen -> the number of column of the local matrix on each MPI node.

std::size_t get_mblocks()

This member function is mostly used for ChASE with Block-Cyclic Distribution. The number of submatrix on each MPI node is mblocks_ * nblocks_.


mblocks_: the number of submatrices in the local matrix on each MPI node along the row direction.

std::size_t get_nblocks()

This member function is mostly used for ChASE with Block-Cyclic Distribution. The number of submatrix on each MPI node is mblocks_ * nblocks_.


nblocks_: the number of submatrices in the local matrix on each MPI node along the column direction.

int get_irsrc()

This member function only matters for the Block-Cyclic Distribution.


irsrc_: the process row within 2D MPI grid over which the first row of the global matrix A is distributed.

int get_icsrc()

This member function only matters for the Block-Cyclic Distribution.


icsrc_: the process column within 2D MPI grid over which the first column of the global matrix A is distributed.

std::size_t *get_row_offs()

This member function only matters for the Block-Cyclic Distribution.


r_offs_.get(): the pointer to store offset of each subblock in local matrix along the row direction regarding the row direction of global matrix A.

std::size_t *get_row_lens()

This member function only matters for the Block-Cyclic Distribution.


r_lens_.get(): the pointer to store number of row of each subblock in local matrix along the row direction regarding the row direction of global matrix A.

std::size_t *get_row_offs_loc()

This member function only matters for the Block-Cyclic Distribution.


r_offs_l_.get(): the pointer to store offset of each subblock in local matrix along the row direction regarding the row direction of local matrix.

std::size_t *get_col_offs()

This member function only matters for the Block-Cyclic Distribution.


c_offs_.get(): the pointer to store offset of each subblock of local matrix along the column direction regarding the column direction of global matrix A.

std::size_t *get_col_lens()

This member function only matters for the Block-Cyclic Distribution.


c_lens_.get(): the pointer to store length of each subblock of local matrix along the column direction regarding the column direction of global matrix A.

std::size_t *get_col_offs_loc()

This member function only matters for the Block-Cyclic Distribution.


c_offs_l_.get(): the pointer to store offset of each subblock in local matrix along the column direction regarding the column direction of local matrix.

void get_offs_lens(std::size_t *&r_offs, std::size_t *&r_lens, std::size_t *&r_offs_l, std::size_t *&c_offs, std::size_t *&c_lens, std::size_t *&c_offs_l)

Return the pointers to r_offs_, r_lens_, r_offs_l_, c_offs_, c_lens_ and c_offs_l_ in single member function. This member function only matters for the Block-Cyclic Distribution.

  • [in/out]: r_offs -> the pointer to store offset of each subblock of local matrix along the row direction regarding the global indexing of matrix A. Its size is mblocks_, which can be obtained by get_mblocks().

  • [in/out]: r_lens -> the pointer to store length of each subblock of local matrix along the row direction regarding the global indexing of matrix A. Its size is mblocks_, which can be obtained by get_mblocks().

  • [in/out]: r_offs_l -> the pointer to store offset of each subblock of local matrix along the row direction regarding the indexing of local matrix. Its size is mblocks_, which can be obtained by get_mblocks().

  • [in/out]: c_offs -> the pointer to store offset of each subblock of local matrix along the column direction regarding the global indexing of matrix A. Its size is nblocks_, which can be obtained by get_nblocks().

  • [in/out]: c_lens -> the pointer to store length of each subblock of local matrix along the column direction regarding the global indexing of matrix A. Its size is nblocks_, which can be obtained by get_nblocks().

  • [in/out]: c_offs_l -> the pointer to store offset of each subblock of local matrix along the column direction regarding the indexing of local matrix. Its size is nblocks_, which can be obtained by get_nblocks().

std::string get_dataLayout()

  • Block-Block

  • Block-Cyclic

int *get_coord()


coord_: the coordinates of each MPI rank in the cartesian communicator grid.

std::size_t get_ldb()


n_: the leading dimension of the local matrix of A in the row dimension.

std::size_t get_ldc()


m_: the leading dimension of the local matrix of A in the column dimension.

T *get_C2()


C2_.get(): the pointer to temporary buffer C2_.

T *get_B2()


B2_.get(): the pointer to temporary buffer B2_.

T *get_A()


A_.get(): the pointer to temporary buffer A_.

T *get_V()


V_.get(): the pointer to temporary buffer V_.

const std::vector<std::vector<int>> &get_blockcounts()


block_counts_: 2D array which stores the block number of local matrix on each MPI node in each dimension.

const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int>>> &get_blocklens()


block_lens_: 3D array which stores the size of each sublock on each MPI node in each dimension.

const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int>>> &get_blockdispls()


block_displs_: 3D array which stores the offset of each sublock on each MPI node in each dimension.

const std::vector<std::vector<int>> &get_sendlens()


send_lens_: 2D array which stores the size of local matrix on each MPI node in each dimension.

const std::vector<std::vector<int>> &get_g_offsets()


g_offsets_: 2D array which stores the offset of the first block (the most up and left one) on each MPI node in each dimension regarding the global indexing of matrix A.

int get_nprocs()

Returns the total number of MPI nodes within MPI communicator where ChASE is working on.


nprocs_: the total number of MPI nodes within the root MPI communicator.

int get_my_rank()

Returns the rank of MPI node within 2D grid.


rank_: the rank of MPI node within 2D grid.

ChaseMpiMatrices<T> create_matrices(T *V1 = nullptr, Base<T> *ritzv = nullptr, T *V2 = nullptr, Base<T> *resid = nullptr) const

Create a ChaseMpiMatrices object which stores the operating matrices and vectors for ChASE-MPI.

  • V1: a m_ * max_block_ rectangular matrix.

  • ritzv: a max_block_ vector which stores the computed Ritz values.

  • V2: a n_ * max_block_ rectangular matrix.

  • resid: a max_block_ vector which stores the residual of each computed Ritz value.

ChaseMpiMatrices<T> create_matrices(T *H, std::size_t ldh, T *V1 = nullptr, Base<T> *ritzv = nullptr, T *V2 = nullptr, Base<T> *resid = nullptr) const

Create a ChaseMpiMatrices object which stores the operating matrices and vectors for ChASE-MPI.

  • H: a m_ * n_ rectangular matrix, with leading dimension ldh

  • ldh: leading dimension of H, which should be >=m_

  • V1: a m_ * max_block_ rectangular matrix.

  • ritzv: a max_block_ vector which stores the computed Ritz values.

  • V2: a n_ * max_block_ rectangular matrix.

  • resid: a max_block_ vector which stores the residual of each computed Ritz value.

Private Members

std::size_t N_

Global size of the matrix A defining the eigenproblem.

This variable is initialized by the constructor using the value of the first of its input parameter N.

This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_N().

std::size_t ldh_

The leading dimension of local part of Symmetric/Hermtian matrix on each MPI proc. It should be >= m_.

std::size_t nev_

Number of desired extremal eigenpairs.

This variable is initialized by the constructor using the value of its input parameter nev.

This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function GetNev().

std::size_t nex_

Increment of the search subspace so that its total size is nev + nex.

This variable is initialized by the constructor using the value of its input parameter nex.

This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function GetNex().

std::size_t max_block_

This variable is initialized by the constructor using the sum of its input parameter nex and nev. Thus we have max_block_=nev_+nex_. This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_max_block().

std::size_t n_

Column number of the local matrix on each MPI node.

  • For Block Distribution, this variable is initialized based on the global size of matrix A and dimension of the column of 2D MPI grid.

  • For Block-Cyclic Distribution, it is determined also by block size of submatrices nb_, etc. This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_n().

std::size_t m_

Row number of the local matrix on each MPI node.

  • For Block Distribution, this variable is initialized based on the global size of matrix A and dimension of the column of 2D MPI grid.

  • For Block-Cyclic Distribution, it is determined also by block size of submatrices mb_, etc. This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_m().

std::size_t nb_

Column blocking factor.

  • For Block Distribution, this variable equals to the variable n_.

  • For Block-Cyclic Distribution, it is initialized by the parameter of the constructor nb, This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_nb().

std::size_t mb_

Row blocking factor.

  • For Block Distribution, this variable equals to the variable m_.

  • For Block-Cyclic Distribution, it is initialized by the parameter of the constructor mb, This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_mb().

std::size_t nblocks_

Number of submatrices along the column direction in the local matrix. Thus each local matrix is constructed by mblocks_ * nblocks_ blocks.

  • For Block Distribution, this variable equals to 1.

  • For Block-Cyclic Distribution, it is initialized during the construction of Block-Cyclic scheme, This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_nblocks().

std::size_t mblocks_

Number of submatrices along the row direction in the local matrix. Thus each local matrix is constructed by mblocks_ * nblocks_ blocks.

  • For Block Distribution, this variable equals to 1.

  • For Block-Cyclic Distribution, it is initialized during the construction of Block-Cyclic scheme, This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_mblocks().

int irsrc_

Process row over which the first row of the global matrix A is distributed.

This variable matters only for the Block-Cyclic Distribution, it is initialized by the parameter irsrc of the constructor. This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_irsrc().

int icsrc_

Process column over which the first column of the global matrix A is distributed.

This variable matters only for the Block-Cyclic Distribution, it is initialized by the parameter irsrc of the constructor. This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_icsrc().

std::unique_ptr<std::size_t[]> r_offs_

Offset of each subblock (especially for Block-Cyclic Distribution) along the row direction regarding the global indexing of matrix A.

This variable matters only for the Block-Cyclic Distribution, it is initialized during the setup of the Block-Cyclic Distribution scheme. This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_row_offs(). The size of this array is mblocks_.

std::unique_ptr<std::size_t[]> r_lens_

Length of each subblock (especially for Block-Cyclic Distribution) along the row direction regarding the global indexing of matrix A.

This variable matters only for the Block-Cyclic Distribution, it is initialized during the setup of the Block-Cyclic Distribution scheme. This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_row_lens(). The size of this array is mblocks_.

std::unique_ptr<std::size_t[]> r_offs_l_

Offset of each subblock (especially for Block-Cyclic Distribution) along the row direction regarding the indexing of local matrix on each MPI node.

This variable matters only for the Block-Cyclic Distribution, it is initialized during the setup of the Block-Cyclic Distribution scheme. This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_row_offs_loc(). The size of this array is mblocks_.

std::unique_ptr<std::size_t[]> c_offs_

Offset of each subblock (especially for Block-Cyclic Distribution) along the column direction regarding the global indexing of matrix A.

This variable matters only for the Block-Cyclic Distribution, it is initialized during the setup of the Block-Cyclic Distribution scheme. This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_col_offs(). The size of this array is nblocks_.

std::unique_ptr<std::size_t[]> c_lens_

Length of each subblock (especially for Block-Cyclic Distribution) along the column direction regarding the global indexing of matrix A.

This variable matters only for the Block-Cyclic Distribution, it is initialized during the setup of the Block-Cyclic Distribution scheme. This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_col_lens(). The size of this array is nblocks_.

std::unique_ptr<std::size_t[]> c_offs_l_

Offset of each subblock (especially for Block-Cyclic Distribution) along the column direction regarding the indexing of local matrix on each MPI node.

This variable matters only for the Block-Cyclic Distribution, it is initialized during the setup of the Block-Cyclic Distribution scheme. This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_col_offs_loc(). The size of this array is nblocks_.

std::vector<std::vector<int>> block_counts_

2D array which stores the block number of local matrix on each MPI node in each dimension.

  • This variable is equally shared by all the MPI nodes, which make the Block-Cyclic* scheme within each MPI node be visible to all other MPI nodes.

    • The variable is especically useful for the MPI communication in the case that global matrix cannot be equally distributed to each MPI node.

    • For example, the block number within rank i (this rank is within row_comm_) along the row dimension is block_counts_[0][i], and the block number within rank j (this rank is within col_comm_) along the column dimension is block_counts_[1][j]. For Block-Distribution, all the values in this 2D array equal to 1.

    This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_blockcounts().

std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int>>> block_lens_

3D array which stores the length of each sublock on each MPI node in each dimension.

  • This variable is equally shared by all the MPI nodes, which make the Block-Cyclic* scheme within each MPI node be visible to all other MPI nodes.

    • The variable is especically useful for the MPI communication in the case that global matrix cannot be equally distributed to each MPI node.

    • For example, the length of the block numbering k th within rank i (this rank is within row_comm_) along the row dimension is block_lens_[0][i][k], and the length of the block numbering k th the block number within rank j (this rank is within col_comm_) along the column dimension is block_lens_[1][j][k].

    This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_blocklens().

std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int>>> block_displs_

3D array which stores the offset of each sublock on each MPI node in each dimension.

  • This variable is equally shared by all the MPI nodes, which make the Block-Cyclic* scheme within each MPI node be visible to all other MPI nodes.

    • The variable is especically useful for the MPI communication in the case that global matrix cannot be equally distributed to each MPI node.

    • For example, the offset of the block numbering k th within rank i (this rank is within row_comm_) along the row dimension is block_displs_[0][i][k], and the offset of the block numbering k th the block number within rank j (this rank is within col_comm_) along the column dimension is block_displs_[1][j][k].

    This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_blockdispls().

std::vector<std::vector<int>> send_lens_

2D array which stores the length of local matrix on each MPI node in each dimension.

  • This variable is equally shared by all the MPI nodes, which make the Block-Cyclic* scheme within each MPI node be visible to all other MPI nodes.

    • The variable is especically useful for the MPI communication in the case that global matrix cannot be equally distributed to each MPI node.

    • For example, the length of local matrix within rank i (this rank is within row_comm_) along the row dimension is send_lens_[0][i], and the block number within rank j (this rank is within col_comm_) along the column dimension is send_lens_[1][j].

    This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_sendlens().

std::vector<std::vector<int>> g_offsets_

2D array which stores the offset of the first block (the most up and left one) on each MPI node in each dimension regarding the global indexing of matrix A.

  • This variable is equally shared by all the MPI nodes, which make the Block-Cyclic* scheme within each MPI node be visible to all other MPI nodes.

    • The variable is especically useful for the MPI communication in the case that global matrix cannot be equally distributed to each MPI node.

    • For example, the offset of first block of local matrix within rank i (this rank is within row_comm_) along the row dimension is g_offsets_[0][i], and the block number within rank j (this rank is within col_comm_) along the column dimension is g_offsets_[1][j].

    This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_g_offsets().

MPI_Comm comm_

The MPI communicator which ChASE is working on.

This variable is initialized by the constructor using the value of its input parameters comm.

int nprocs_

Total number of MPI nodes in the MPI communicator which ChASE is working on.

int rank_

The rank of each MPI node within the MPI communicator which ChASE is working on.

std::unique_ptr<T[]> C2_

A temporary memory allocated for distributed ChASE.

This variable is initialized during the construction of ChaseMpiProperties of size m_ * max_block_.

It can be accessed by the member function get_C2()

std::unique_ptr<T[]> B2_

A temporary memory allocated for distributed ChASE.

This variable is initialized during the construction of ChaseMpiProperties of size n_ * max_block_.

It can be accessed by the member function get_B2()

std::unique_ptr<T[]> A_

A temporary memory allocated for distributed ChASE.

This variable is initialized during the construction of ChaseMpiProperties of size max_block_ * max_block_.

It can be accessed by the member function get_A()

MPI_Comm row_comm_

The row communicator of the constructed 2D grid of MPI codes.

This variable is initialized in the constructor, after the construction of MPI 2D grid. This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_row_comm().

MPI_Comm col_comm_

The column communicator of the constructed 2D grid of MPI codes.

This variable is initialized in the constructor, after the construction of MPI 2D grid. This variable is private, it can be accessed by the member function get_col_comm().

int dims_[2]

The array with two elements determines the dimension of 2D grid of MPI nodes.

  • For Block Distribution,

    1. it can be initialized by MPI_Dims_create which creates a division of MPI ranks in a cartesian grid.

    2. it can be initialized by users with the input parameters, paramters row_dim and col_dim. More precise, we have dims_[0] = row_dim and dims_[1] = col_dim.

  • For Block-Cyclic Distribution, it is always initialized by the input paramters row_dim and col_dim. More precise, we have dims_[0] = row_dim and dims_[1] = col_dim.

int coord_[2]

The array with two elements indicates the coordinates of each MPI node within the 2D grid of MPI nodes.

This variable is determined by the properties of 2D grid of MPI node.

std::size_t off_[2]

The array with two elements indicates the offset of the local matrix on each MPI node regarding the global index of matrix A.

This variable is determined by the properties of 2D grid of MPI node, the size of matrix and the scheme of distribution across the 2D grid.

std::string data_layout

  • Block-Block

  • Block-Cyclic

std::unique_ptr<T[]> V_

A temporary buffer of size N_ * max_block_. It is allocated only when no ScaLAPACK is detected.