2. Installation and Setup on a Cluster

This section provides guidelines to install and setup the ChASE library on computing clusters. Each guideline is given as a step by step set of instructions to install ChASE on a cluster either with or w/o support for GPUs. After the setup of ChASE, users are provided with a description of how to link and integrate ChASE into their own codes. ChASE provides the interfaces to both C and Fortran , thus such integration can be achieved either by using one of the interfaces provided by the library, or by following our instructions to implement the user’s own interface.

2.1. Library Dependencies

This section gives a brief introduction to the ChASE library dependencies and on how to load the required libraries on a given supercomputer.

2.1.1. Dependencies

In order to install the ChASE library on a general purpose computing cluster, one has to install or load the necessary dependencies. For the standard MPI version of the library these dependencies are the following:

  • a C++ Compiler;

  • a Message Passing Interface (MPI) implementation;

  • CMake (version 3.8 or higher);

  • a Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) and Linear Algebra PACKage (LAPACK) library;

  • a CUDA compiler (only for the GPU build of ChASE);

  • Optional: ScaLAPACK for using distributed Househoulder QR factorization

2.1.2. Loading Modules on Cluster

CMake builds ChASE by automatically detecting the location of the installed dependencies. On most supercomputers it is sufficient to just load the corresponding modules, e.g. module load <modulename>. If you have loaded/installed multiple versions for the necessary compilers and libraries, then you have to provide CMake with specific paths so that it may choose the correct package. For more details, see Building and Installing the ChASE library.

2.2. Installation

This section has two main goals: First, it provides the instructions for the installation of ChASE on a given supercomputer with or w/o multi-GPUs supports. Second, it describes how the user can take advantage of a number of ready-to-use examples to build a simple driver and have a first try running ChASE on a cluster.

2.2.1. Installation on a CPU-only Cluster

The following snippet shows how to install ChASE on the JUWELS cluster (the main general purpose cluster at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre):

git clone https://github.com/ChASE-library/ChASE.git
cd ChASE/
mkdir build
cd build/
###       GCC      ###
ml GCC/8.3.0  ParaStationMPI/5.4.4-1 imkl CMake
make install
### Intel Compiler ###
ml intel-para CMake
make install


For the installation with the Intel Compiler, two additional flags -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-no-multibyte-chars and -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-no-multibyte-chars might be required if the following error Catastrophic error: could not set locale "" to allow processing of multibyte characters are encountered, which are produced by an internal bug appearing in some versions of the Intel Compiler.

2.2.2. Installation with GPU Support

In order to compile ChASE with GPU support one needs to have installed and loaded a CUDA compiler, which will also enable the use of cuBLAS, cuSOLVER and cuRAND. On the JUWELS cluster this can be achieved by loading the module CUDA in addition to the modules necessary to compile ChASE on a CPU-only cluster. Make sure, that ChASE is executed on a computer/node with at least one GPU device (e.g. check with nvidia-smi) and that the correct CUDA compiler is loaded (e.g. check which nvcc or if you are using a module system look at module list). The following instruction snippet builds ChASE with CUDA support on JUWELS:

git clone https://github.com/ChASE-library/ChASE.git
cd ChASE/
mkdir build
cd build/
ml GCC/8.3.0  ParaStationMPI/5.4.4-1 imkl CUDA CMake
make install


It is also recommended to build ChASE with the configuration of CUDA compute compatibility through CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES. If CUDA compute compatibility of your GPU is 8.6 (e.g. RTX 3090) you should build with -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=86. In the case you want to build code for more than one CUDA compute capability (e.g. 70, 75, 80 and 86) then build with -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES="70;75;80;86".

If CMAKE_VERSION < 3.18 then CMake is not compliant with CMAKE policy CMP0104 (introduced in CMake 3.18) which defines that the variable CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES has to be initialized. In that case, the code generation flag has to be set manually. For simplicity and compatibility with newer (3.18+) CMake version, the CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES variable has to be always set, not matter the cmake version.

2.2.3. Building ChASE with Examples

To build and install ChASE with examples, the additional option to the cmake build process -DBUILD_WITH_EXAMPLES=ON has to be turned on. The following instruction snippet builds ChASE with examples on the JUWELS cluster:

git clone https://github.com/ChASE-library/ChASE.git
cd ChASE/
mkdir build
cd build/
ml intel-para CMake Boost
##### If you want to install ChASE with GPU supporting, make sure CUDA is loaded #####
ml load CUDA
make install
### Run example #0 ###

An MPI launcher has to be used to run an example in parallel. For instance on the JUWELS cluster (or any other SLRUM based Cluster) the following command line runs the “hello world” example in parallel.

srun -n 2 ./examples/0_hello_world/0_hello_world


The output of intermediate convergence information and a simple performance report of different numerical kernels can be enabled when compiling ChASE with the flag -DCHASE_OUTPUT=ON.

2.3. Recommendation on the usage of Computing Resources

Attaining the best performance with the available computing resources requires to understand the inner working of the ChASE library. Since the standard user is not expected to have such an understanding, this section supplies a number of simple recommendations for the submission and execution of jobs involving ChASE on a given computing cluster.

2.3.1. ChASE with MPI+OpenMP

Modern homogeneous supercomputers are often equipped with hundreds of thousands of nodes which are connected with fast networks. Each node is of NUMA (Non-uniform memory access) types, which composes several NUMA domains. Each NUMA domain has its local memory, and is able to access the local memory of another NUMA domain within the same node. Within a NUMA domain, a processor can access its own local memory faster than any other non-local memory.

When running ChASE on modern homogeneous clusters in the MPI/OpenMP hybrid mode, this NUMA effect should be considered. In order to attain good performance, we recommend:

  1. Ensure each NUMA domain having at least 1 MPI task.

  2. Bind the CPUs to the relevant MPI tasks. Allocating Ressources and Running jobs (SLURM)

The optimal use of resources is usually achieved by carefully designing the script code which is used for the job submission. An example of a job script for a SLURM scheduler is given below:

# This is an example on JUWELS, in which each node is composed of 2 NUMA sockets.
# This example allocates 4 nodes, 8 MPI tasks, each socket has 1 task,
# and 24 CPUs are bound to each MPI tasks.
#!/bin/bash -x
#SBATCH --nodes=4
#SBATCH --ntasks=8
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-socket=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=24 Memory Requirement

An important aspect of executing ChASE on a parallel cluster is the memory footprint of the library. It is important to avoid that such memory footprint per MPI task exceeds the amount of main memory available to the compiled code. To help the user to make the correct decision in terms of resources a simple formula for Block distribution of matrix can be used

sizeof(float_type) *[n * m + 2 * (n + m) * block + 1 + 5*block + 2*pow(block,2)]/(1024^3) GigaByte

where n and m are fractions of N which depend on the size of the MPI grid of processors. For instance in the job script above n = N/nrows and m = N/ncols, with the size of MPI grid nrows*ncols. Correspondingly N is the size of the eigenproblem and block is at most nev + nex. Note that the factor sizeof(float_type) is valid for single precision real, double precision real, single precision complex and double precision complex floating numbers. The value of this factor for these four types of floating numbers are respectively: 4, 8, 8, 16.

For ChASE with Block-Cyclic distribution of matrix, additional memory of size sizeof(float_type) * N is required for managing the internal reshuffling for block-cyclic data layout. Thus the total memory required is:

sizeof(float_type) *[n * m + 2 * (n + m) * block + N + 1 + 5*block + 2*pow(block,2)]/(1024^3) GigaByte

Using such a formula one can verify if the allocation of resources is enough to solve for the problem at hand. For instance, if we use Block distribution for a N = 360,000 and a block = nev + nex = 3,000 with 1152 MPI ranks in 2D MPI grid of size 32x36, the requirement memory per MPI rank is 1.989 GB. For ChASE with Block-Cyclic Distribution: the memory requirement per MPI-rank is 1.992 GB, a littler larger than the former case.

2.3.2. ChASE with multi-GPUs

Currently, ChASE is able to offload almost all the intensive computations, e.g., Hermitian Matrix-Matrix Multiplications), QR factorization and Rayleigh-Ritz computation to GPUs. The multi-GPUs version of ChASE is able to use all available cards for each node. This multi-GPUs version supports 1 MPI task to manage only 1 bound GPU card. Some less intensive computation is also assigned to this MPI task and executed in multi-threading mode. Allocating Ressources and Running jobs (SLURM)

Below is an example of a job script for a SLURM scheduler which allocates multi-GPUs per node and each GPU card bound to 1 MPI task:

# This is an example on the JUWELS GPU partition, in which each node has 4 V100 NVIDIA GPUs.
# This example allocates 4 nodes, 16 MPI tasks, each node has 4 task,
# and 4 GPUs per node, each GPU card is bound to 1 MPI task.
#!/bin/bash -x
#SBATCH --nodes=4
#SBATCH --ntasks=16
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=24
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4 Estimating Memory Requirement

For ChASE with multi-GPUs using both Block distribution and Block-Cyclic distribution of matrix, the memory requirement per GPU is always

sizeof(float_type) *[n * m + 2 * (n + m) * block + 1 + 5*block + 2*pow(block,2)]/(1024^3) GigaByte


The estimation of memory requirement is only based on the algorithmic aspects of ChASE. The buffer and memory requirement of libraries such as MPI has not been considered. So despite the provided formulas to calculate the memory consumption, some combination of MPI libraries (e.g., ParastationMPI) could lead to the crash of ChASE with out of memory even if the memory available is within the estimated bounds.