The chase() routine

The chase.cpp routine is the main routine of the ChASE library and includes several functions whose scope reflects the algorithm description provided in the General algorithm section. The signature of the chase() function comprise variables that appear in other functions inside chase.cpp as well as in other routines.

Function definitions

void chase(MKL_Complex16 *H, int N, MKL_Complex16 *V, MKL_Complex16 *W, double *ritzv, int nev, const int nex, const int deg, int *const degrees, const double tol, const CHASE_MODE_TYPE mode, const CHASE_OPT_TYPE opt)
void ColSwap(MKL_Complex16 *V, int N, int i, int j)
int calc_degrees(int N, int unconverged, int core, double upperb, double lowerb, double tol, double *ritzv, double *resid, int *degrees, MKL_Complex16 *V, MKL_Complex16 *W)
int locking(int N, int unconverged, double tol, double *ritzv, double *resid, int *degrees, MKL_Complex16 *V)
void calc_residuals(int N, int unconverged, double tol, double *ritzv, double *resid, MKL_Complex16 *H, MKL_Complex16 *V, MKL_Complex16 *W)
void QR(int N, int nevex, int converged, MKL_Complex16 *W, MKL_Complex16 *tau, MKL_Complex16 *saveW)
void RR(int N, int block, double *Lambda, MKL_Complex16 *H, MKL_Complex16 *V, MKL_Complex16 *W)

Type definitions

type MKL_Complex16

Defined by a preprocessing directive as std::complex<double> type in case ChASE does not make use of the MKL library, but can use MKL’s BLAS and LAPACK.


Defined as type char via a preprocessing directive and used to define the type of the values of the mode variable.


Defined as type char via a preprocessing directive and used to define the type of the values of the opt variable.

Variable definitions

MKL_Complex16 *H

Array of size N \(\times\) N. It stores the input hermitian matrix. TODO If uplo = UPPER/LOWER only the leading upper/lower triangular part of H stores the entries of the upper/lower entries of the matrix H while the strictly lower/upper triangular part of H is not referenced.

int N

Number of rows and columns of Matrix H.

MKL_Complex16 *V

Array containing a collection of vectors, of size (N, nev + nex). On entry, if mode = A, it is used to provide approximate eigenvectors which work as a preconditioner, speeding up the convergence of required eigenpairs. On exit, the leading (N, nev) block contains eigenvectors at least as accurate as the required tol.

MKL_Complex16 *W

Array containing a collection of auxiliary vectors used as working space throughout the code, of size (N, nev + nex).

double *ritz

Array of size nev + nex. It contains and ordered collection of real numbers. On entry, if mode = A, it contains approximations to the lowest nev+nex eigenvalues of H. On exit the leading nev block contains the smallest nev eigenvalues of H, in descending order. The remaining nex entries are an approximation to the next nex eigenvalues.

int nev

Specifies the number of required eigenvalues. This is usually a fraction of the total eigenspectrum. The maximum value of such fraction dependes on the size of the eigenproblem but as a rule of thumb should not exceed 10-20% in order to use ChASE efficiently.

int nex

It specifies the initial size of the search subspace S such that size(S) = (nev + nex). Its optimal choice represents a trade-off between extra computations and an enhanced eigenpairs convergence ratio. Ideally it should be a fraction of nev guaranteeing to include a spectral gap between the first nev and the next nev + nex eigenvalues. Example: for nev = 250, a value of nex = 50 should suffice unless eigenvalues between index 250 and 300 are quite clustered.

const int deg

If opt = N, it specifies the constant Chebyshev polynomial degree used in the filter to enhance the convergence ration of sought after eigenvectors. Suggested value: deg = 25. If opt = S, it specifies the Chebyshev polynomial degree used in the first call to the filter. Following the first call the optimal polynomial degree is computed on the fly. Suggested value: deg = 10.

int *const degrees

Array of size nev + nex. While a required input array, the contents are ignored. This variable is planned for cases where ChASE is utilized to solve a sequence or correlated eigenproblems.

const double tol

It specifies the accuracy of the solutions. tol is the minimum tolerance the residuals of the required eigenpairs should have to be declared converged.

const CHASE_MODE_TYPE mode

It specifies whether the user provides ChASE with information about the approximate solution of the eigenproblem (e.g. when dealing with a sequence of correlated eigenproblems) or uses it in isolation from application knowledge as a traditional black-box solver. When equal to A, the arrays V and ritz contain on entry the approximate vectors and values respectively. The first and last value in ritz are used as estimates for the lower and upper end of the sought after eigenspectrum. The vectors in V are used in the Chebyshev filter to accelerate convergence. When equal to R the initial vectors used by the Chebyshev filter are computed by the Lanczos routine starting from a set of random vectors. Likewise, the Lanczos routine computes estimates for the upper and lower end of the sought after spectrum.

const CHASE_OPT_TYPE opt

It specifies whether ChASE uses the same polynomial degree for all the vectors to be filtered or run only one loop iteration using the same polynomial degree for all vectors and computes an array of optimal degrees for each vector at all successive iteration loops. When equal to N, the same polynomial degree deg is used to filter all the vectors in the search space S. When equal to S, the polynomial degree deg is used only for the first call to the filter. Additional calls to the filter use an optimal polynomial degree tailored to each filtered vector.